(an) ~ 受け入れ, 受け容れ, 受容, 容認, 承認, 受理, 受諾, 受領, 受納, 領収, 引き受け, 賛成, 賛同, 支持, 採用, 採択, 《品質管理》合格
gain wide market acceptance
(an) acceptance inspection
the probability of acceptance
acceptance testing; an acceptance test
受け入れ[受け渡し, 受領, 受け取り]試験[検査]
an acceptance region
gain increasing acceptance
find widespread acceptance in the home market
acceptance quality standards
public acceptance of nuclear power
the acceptance of the status quo
現状を甘んじて受けること; 現状の甘受
give [offer] tacit acceptance to...
pass an acceptance test
受入試験を通る; 受け入れ検査に合格する
(the) acceptance of trainees from overseas
have had a hard time gaining acceptance among consumers
消費者に受け容れてもらうのに苦労[難儀, 難渋]した
acceptance criteria
合格判定基準, 合格基準, 合否判定基準
be below a lower acceptance value
下限合格判定値以下である[を割っている, を切っている]
an upper acceptance value
セルフアクセプタンス, 自己受容
perform an acceptance inspection on [of, for]...
the acceptance of cosmetic surgery among men
男性の間における美容整形手術の受け容れ[受容, 容認, ⦅意訳⦆認知]
it is now gaining wide market acceptance
achieve [gain] widespread (consumer [market]) acceptance
tough seat belt and drunken driving laws implemented in the past decade have gained broad public acceptance
a buyer may revoke an acceptance of nonconforming goods
materials go through rigorous incoming inspection before acceptance
It is too expensive for mass public acceptance.
There is a high acceptance of the GS Mark by EU consumers.
Formal acceptance of new organism applications starts from 1 July 1998.
This method is only now nearing widespread acceptance in the semiconductor industry.
この方法は, 今になってようやく半導体業界で広く受け入れられ[採用され]ようとしている.(*near = 近づく)
The date of commencement of acceptance of applications is November 25, 2004.
申請[申し込み, 出願, 応募, 願書]受付開始日は2004年11月25日です.
The issue then is whether the "order acknowledgment" was an acceptance of the order.
それで争点というのは「注文請け書」は, 注文の受諾であったのかどうかということです.
Our goal is to achieve widespread acceptance of digital television. It is incumbent on industry to spark the demand for DTV.
我々の目標は, デジタルテレビが広範に受け入れられるようにすることである. デジタルテレビの需要に火をつけるのは産業界の責任[責務]である.
The system has successfully completed acceptance testing and should be deployed in the next few months.
同システムは受入試験[受け入れ検査]に合格して, あと数カ月で配備されることになっている[⦅意訳⦆運用開始の運びとなる].
At commissioning time, OBM engineers will assist with acceptance testing and receive the client acceptance certificate issued at the completion of commissioning tests.
(大規模設備などの)就役時に, OBM社の技術者は引き渡し[受け入れ, 受渡, 受領]試験[検査]を補佐し, 就役試験完了時に発行される顧客の受入証明書を受領する.
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