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6 BookshelfWatch video

*The content displayed on the screen may be subject to change.

You can select series of books and magazines from the Bookshelf on the home page, arranged as if they were on a physical bookshelf, and read them by turning the pages. Clicking on the “Bookshelf” tab at the top of the page, allows you to view the available contents. (The number of available contents depends on the contract.)


*The contents you have bought or contracted for will be displayed.

Bookshelf - Example of "Toyo Bunko"

  1. On the Bookshelf home page you can select the book series you want to read. (For example, let’s choose "Toyo Bunko.")
  2. The list of titles will appear in the order of their work number. Choose the specific work you want to read or filter the contents using the classification facet on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Bookshelf - Example of 'Toyo Bunko'

  4. Explore the text page of "Toyo Bunko." There are many ways to display pages, such as full-screen, zoom in/out, or rotate. Navigate the pages using the index.
  5. the text page of 'Toyo Bunko'

  6. Click on the information tab, located next to the contents tab, to view the overview and the year of publication. Text can also be printed out using the print function of the browser.
  7. the information tab of 'Toyo Bunko'

    *This viewer type is available in "Toyo Bunko," "The Complete Collection of Japanese Classical Literature," "Meiji Bungaku Zenshu," "Shinshaku Kambun Taikei," and "Famous Places in Edo."

JKBooks - Exclusive Viewer

The contents of JKBooks are displayed in a designated exclusive viewer. The contents that use the exclusive viewer include: "Nihon Kindai Bungakukan (Taiyo, Bungei Kurabu, Koyukai Zasshi, Kindai sakka genkoshu)," "Fuzoku Gaho," "Gunsho Ruiju series," "Bijutsu Shinpo," "Toyo Keizai Shinpo/Shukan Toyo Keizai Archives," "Kobunso Taika Koshomoku," "The ORIENTAL ECONOMIST," "Ibun Series (Heian, Kamakura)," "Bungeishunju Archives," "Shintei Zoho Kokushi Taikei," "Tenno Kozoku Jitsuroku," and "Shiryo Sanshu."

JKBooks - Exclusive Viewer


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