Toshokan Johogaku Yogojiten 5th Edition

(Dictionary of Library and Information Science Terms)

Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd.

Must-have reference book for library and informatics researchers, practitioners, and educators. Contains 1,800 entries, including specialist terms, personal names, names of organizations, and the titles of laws and regulations.

This unique dictionary contains about 1,800 entries concerning library and information science, such as specialized terms related to basic concepts, library and information science education, library management, catalogs, categorization of subjects, indices and information search, and resources and media, as well as the names of relevant persons and organizations.
The 5th edition, inheriting the user-friendliness of earlier editions, as well as adding new terms and reviewing all the terms in the 4th edition, has, where necessary, altered or deleted entries. Commentaries have also been updated based on the latest information. Besides being a resource to be kept close at hand for all librarians, this reference is a necessity for researchers, practitioners and educators in the field of library and information science.
Compilers: Japan Society of Library and Information Science, Dictionary of Terms Editorial Committee

Contents information

Original books 図書館情報学用語辞典 第5版
Publisher Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd.
Publication date August 25, 2020
Number of volumes One volume
Book price ¥4,180 (Pre-tax price ¥3,800+tax10%)
Release date October 3, 2016
Number of entries 1,806 entries
Number of characters 413,045 characters
About search
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of November 2020)