Bungeishunju Opinion: 100 Discussion Points

Bungeishunju Ltd.

One Book for Foreseeing the Future of a World in Turmoil: A New Edition is Published Each Year.

With each point penned by an expert and shown on a double page spread, Bungeishunju Opinion: 100 Discussion Points is a book that presents the year’s discussion points that people who live in contemporary Japan need to know about. Contains editions from 2013 up to the latest year.
Each of the selected 100 themes from various sectors such as politics, the economy, culture, education, science, medicine, sports, and performing arts, have been written by experts and distinguished persons active in the front line of their fields in compact and easy-to-understand language of around 2,500 Japanese characters.
This book presents new knowledge and facts for judgment-making to aid in thinking for oneself about important themes and is perfect for conducting job-search activities and writing short essays.
The JapanKnowledge School edition not only allows full text searches for authors’ names and keywords but also contains a table of contents for each year’s articles. It is also possible to search for all articles you are interested in using a button that enables searches for articles by article type.

Contents information

Original books 文藝春秋オピニオン 2013年の論点100~文藝春秋オピニオン 2024年の論点100
Publisher Bungeishunju Ltd.
Publication date Every year on January 1st
Number of volumes 12 volumes
Book price 2013年の論点:¥1,361(Pre-tax price ¥1,238+tax10%)
2014年の論点:¥1,430(Pre-tax price ¥1,300+tax10%)
2015年の論点:¥1,485(Pre-tax price ¥1,350+tax10%)
2016年の論点:¥1,540(Pre-tax price ¥1,400+tax10%)
2017年の論点:¥1,595(Pre-tax price ¥1,450+tax10%)
2018年の論点~2021年の論点:¥1,650 each(Pre-tax price ¥1,500+tax10%)
2022年の論点~2023年の論点:¥1,760 each(Pre-tax price ¥1,600+tax10%)
2024年の論点100:¥1,870 (Pre-tax price ¥1,700+tax10%)
Release date 2013年の論点~2022年の論点:July 31,2024
2023年の論点~2024年の論点:April 1,2024
Number of entries 1,312 entries
Number of characters 3,480,989 characters
About search
Frequency of update Annually
Available services
  • JKS
(as of July 2024)